Sunday, January 25, 2009

multiple literacies

When I fist read this assignment, I began to ponder what multiple literacies I have in my life. After thinking through my day, I began to see how much literature I actually do encounter. Literacy is a huge part of everyone’s life. I encounter text from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to sleep at night. For example, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. The toothpaste container is labeled. I also fall asleep while the television is on. Many commercials have text and labeling. If I was not literate, I would not be able to experience the items I encounter throughout the day to the fullest. I could not imagine what it would be like to go through life without the ability to read. Every aspect of what I do each day would be completely different.

What I do goes hand in hand with how I affect others, therefore the multiple literacties I have in my life will affect how I encounter others. I am not a big reader. I very seldom take part in pleasure reading. There are a few books I find worthy enough to read, but for the most part I do not see reading as something pleasurable to take part in. Something I am obsessed with doing that involves literacy is facebook. I check my facebook account at least three times a day. This is a way for me to read up on events that are coming up, things going on with my sorority, basic gossip amongst my social group, and keeping in touch with current friends as well as those from the past. One of the biggest things I use facebook to do is talk to my boyfriends while he is at work. He works off shore for two weeks at the time. Through facebook we can message and chat with each other in a very convenient way. Without facebook, I would be very disconnected from a lot of things in my life.

It’s weird to think back to a time in which facebook did not exist. I only joined my freshman year of college, but today I could not begin to imagine life without it. I would be so lost without it. It would be so disconnected from society, friends, and many organizations that I am apart of. It’s kind of like internet or cell phones. Although there was a time that I did not use any of these tools, I do not go a day without using these times several times. For the most part these things allow me to connect with people. With out the different literacies, I would be disconnected from many people in many ways. Obviously facebook is not a traditional literacy; it has provided a great deal of help for me and many others. If things such as facebook can entice students to take part in literature, why not use them in the classroom?

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about reading the tooth paste label in the morning to watching commercials at night, but they all have some sort of literacy to do with them. I think that we encouter a lot of the same types of literacies. Texting, television, and the occassional magasizine that I have time for pretty much sums up my time. Until I read your blog I didn't relize all the other types of literacy we are exposed to.
